McKirdy Mountain South Ridge Trail
Early-day pack trail up ridge NW of Packsaddle Creek, climbing to a long subalpine ridge-top which leads to the base of McKirdy Mountain's final summit. Historical interest, but origin unknown. Passes some areas of very dry climate, similar to the viewpoint on the Swift Creek Loop with sage, locoweed and other grassland plants. The trail lay abandoned for perhaps half a century but as of this writing (September 2012) work is progressing to restore it. WARNING: although the route has bewen cleared from valley floor to the treeline, there are currently some areas at mid-elevation where public use is not recommended due to exposure to a possibly fatal fall. For this reason the trail will not be further described here until this situation is rectified. A reasonably safe ascent or descent is possible by leaving the cleared route and bushwhacking through the forest in a few spots, but these hazards are currently not marked in any way.